Emotional Wellness in Children

Parents often focus more on the growth statistics of their children, “How much did my child score in mathematics?”, “Why isn't their weight increasing,” “Why isn't their height increasing”, etc. But they often miss out on keeping a check on their children’s emotional well-being. 

Being aware and nurturing the emotional well-being of your child is important as it will help your child to cope with life's challenges. Overall, it helps children build positive social, emotional, behavioural, and intellectual skills. It also lays the foundation for positive mental health and well-being in life.

 An emotionally healthy child experiences all the human emotions like love, support, and guidance from their loved ones. This exposure allows them to have a positive quality of life to fare well at home, in academics, in school and the society.

 Here are five points to consider as to why your child’s Emotional Wellness should be of priority: 

1. Inculcates Empathy

Children understand empathy from their surroundings. You need not teach them to be empathetic through words, they learn more from observing and watching. If they feel heard in the family, they are more likely to offer the same to others as they grow up and even express themselves better. 

2. Avoids Bad Behavior

If the child feels loved and protected that is what he is going to spread around. 

In case a child throws tantrums or misbehaves, it is because the situation was not acceptable to them. With positive and healthy communication, you can make your child understand the situation and nurture his underlying cause for attention-seeking behaviour. 

Even poor dietary habits and negative influences from adults lead to a child having emotional outbursts. 

Ensure to take steps to address in case of any changes in the mood or bad behaviour on the part of your children. The parents' positive attitude toward bad behaviour can help their children develop into responsible and happy adults.

3. Builds Positive Habits

Nurturing mental health and well-being in children will help develop positive habits like patience, empathy, friendship, anger management, etc. Balanced emotional health is reflected in a child’s habits and behaviour.

4. Better Academic Performance

A child who is mentally fit will be able to think better and have positive thoughts. Will be able to learn and adapt well. This attitude will help your child do better in their day-to-day activities.

5. Increases Confidence

If your child is emotionally unstable, their feelings of self-respect and self-worth will surely suffer. This will lead to losing his self-confidence even more. Positive emotional wellness will bring out a positive outlook on life and will up your child’s confidence.

How can you check if your child’s emotional wellness is developing?

  • Your child can talk to you or someone about their emotional concerns
  • Your child can share their feelings with your or someone close to them 
  • Your child can feel content most of the time
  • Your child knows that they can come to you for a strong support 
  • Your child feels good and relaxed about who you are

Children need to receive the right kind of love and support at home, school and in their peer groups. Inculcating the emotional well-being of the child empowers them for their future. They not only feel positive, confident and capable but also perform better in school and society. 

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